Application Phase Frequently Asked Questions
Passenger transportation companies trying to become a MART Transportation Provider of brokerage services often ask the same questions. This FAQ serves to answer those questions quickly.
All requirements are clearly defined in the following documents:
FY25 MART Brokerage Contract Template; W9 Form IRS Instructions; FY25 Human Service Transportation (HST) Transportation Provider Performance Standards; and FY25 Brokerage Transportation Provider Additional MART Performance Standards; FY24 MART Brokerage Department Quality Assurance & Program Integrity Plan
No, you must OWN and OPERATE your own livery (human transportation) service for a minimum of 1 year and hold a contract with a facility/vendor.
You may obtain a contract with any number of facilities: nursing homes; hospitals; DayHab programs; school systems/Head Start; other state or private agency programs; or veteran’s organizations. Any information submitted on the application referencing work with these types of agencies must be reviewed and verified by MART.
No meetings are required. MART staff reviews all applications in the order they are received and cannot assist potential providers in filling out the application. Any questions or concerns not addressed in these FAQ’s can be directed to and will be responded to in a timely manner.
References provided must be strictly professional in nature. Contracts, confirmation of business activity, or business affiliation references are acceptable. MART does not accept personal references in any capacity.
You may have your business certified by the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO). It promotes diversity in public contracting and the program encourages the award of contracts in a way that strengthens and increases business opportunities for diverse companies. If you have registered your business under this status, you are required to provide a copy of the certificate. To find out how to get certified with the SDO follow this link.
All applications are reviewed in the order they are received. Due to the comprehensive nature of the review process, the time required for evaluation may vary. If an applicant is awarded a contract, the contracting and onboarding phases typically take up to 90 days.
MART’s most recently applied rates can be found on our website by visiting the Become a Transportation Provider page.
DAR and Taxi both refer to ambulatory trip rates with the only difference being that you must include at least 5 miles on your pick-up fare for DAR. You are not required to include any mileage on Taxi rates. Chair Car rates refer to vendors with certified vehicles that are able to transport wheelchair clients.
There are 2 required certificates of Good Standing; one from the Department of Revenue ( and the other from the Secretary of State ( The Department of Revenue Certificate is issued to demonstrate your business is in tax-compliance with the Commonwealth. This document needs to be renewed each year. The Secretary of State Certificate demonstrates the business has a good-standing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at its inception. Generally, we only require this document once, at the time of application submission.
Notifications may vary and depend on the entirety of the information requested on the application being received; unless a disqualifying determination can be made with the information received. Once MART has a completed application on file a determination will usually be made within a week.
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