Contracting Phase Frequently Asked Questions
Passenger transportation companies working to become a MART Transportation Provider of brokerage services often ask the same questions. This FAQ serves to answer those questions quickly.
All requirements are clearly defined in the following documents: FY24 MART Provider Application; FY24 Human Service Transportation (HST) Transportation Provider Performance Standards; FY24 Brokerage Transportation Provider Additional MART Performance Standards; FY24 MART Brokerage Department Quality Assurance & Program Integrity Plan; EOHHS Criminal Offender Record Checks Policy; and HST – National Criminal Background Checks.
All employees of the transportation provider are to be certified in consumer sensitivity training. Drivers will also require defensive driving and child seat securement. If you are a chair-car vendor, your drivers will be required to be certified in wheelchair securement. Appropriate training needs to be in place before your initial desk audit/inspection is conducted, which is performed following contract signature endorsement by MART. Please refer to Contract Attachment K: Training Requirement.
MART does have trainers that we work with and can provide the necessary contact information upon request. It is the transportation provider’s responsibility and financial obligation to set up the appointment and obtain all required trainings for yourself and your staff.
Reference pages 25 and 50-54 of the contract in regards to insurance requirements. Insurance certificates must list MART as the certificate holder with the following description: “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, EOHHS, the HST office, Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) and their respective officers, directors, employees, any Brokerage Covered Agencies, and its agents are additional insured with respect to auto liability, as it relates to the transportation services provided by the insured, where required by written contract.”
The additional insured language directly quoted above is not applicable for Workers Compensation policies. However, the certificate holder requirement is applicable for Workers Compensation. A “Waiver of Subrogation Clause” shall be added to Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability policies in favor of the additional insureds.
Yes, it is a contract requirement. This applies to all contracted transportation providers including sole proprietors.
This attachment seems to be the most problematic to complete and often needs to be redone. After thoroughly reading the narrative provided in this MassHealth required form, which includes a helpful list of definitions, you may reference the attached mockup prepared by MART for additional guidance.
Carefully read the instructions provided by the Internal Revenue Service that are included as part of the form. An example of an item which will result in a rejection follows: Item 1 clearly states do not leave the line blank. However, Item 1 is often not filled in. Additionally, your W-9 must coincide with the information reported on page 3 of the contract in item 2 of the Financial & Legal Status Statement. Attached is the latest W-9 Form and Instructions for reference.
Start dates will vary depending on multiple factors. Once MART has received and approved the contract, including credentialing, you will be given contact information to schedule your desk audit and vehicle inspections. Following completion of an approved desk audit you will be contacted by MART to schedule your Vendor Portal training in which participation is mandatory. Upon completion of the Vendor Portal training, a start date will be agreed upon which must be within two (2) weeks of said training.
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