Contracted FAQs

Contracted Phase Frequently Asked Questions

MART Transportation Providers of brokerage services often ask the same questions. This FAQ serves to answer those questions quickly.

You will need to log into your vendor portal account, on the main screen locate the “ITMS VP security tab/link” in the upper right hand corner and click on it. You will see “Vendor Portal Security” on the left side of the page. Below are two tabs labeled “Add new Log-in” and “Change Password”. Click on the appropriate tab for whichever function you wish to perform.

In order to reset a password MART will need to receive a written request from your company, which can be emailed to, then call to confirm receipt and MART will process your reset.

No. MassHealth will only disburse payment for authorized transportation services rendered. If the client is not transported according to the schedule, regardless of fault, no payment will be made. If only the drop-off segment is completed on a given trip, or if two out of three segments of a three-way trip are completed, only those segments will be reimbursed. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Transportation Provider to notify MART in the event a client is not transported. This is done by updating the trip information in the vendor portal and confirming the cancellation through the invoicing process.

GENERALLY, ANY SAME-DAY RETURN OF A TRIP WILL AUTOMATICALLY RESULT IN A RETURNED-TRIP FINE. STANDING ORDERS REQUIRE 3 BUSINESS DAYS NOTIFICATION OR A FINE WILL BE ASSESSED AS WELL. If you have to return any work, please call or write an email to as soon as possible with the allowed trips details (the client’s first initial, full last name, and the database (service area) the client can be found in). If you are calling the information in you may leave the trip details in their entirety on voicemail, if you are unable to reach someone directly. Please be sure to provide a contact phone number for MART staff to call you back.

Yes, however depending on the reasons for returning the scheduled trip, when you wish the cancellation to be effective, and how much notification you give MART, there may be fines assessed as a result of your returned trips.

It is the Transportation Provider’s responsibility to make any decision to cancel transportation during inclement weather. The primary consideration in this decision making process must always be consumer safety. The decision to cancel transportation should include the following:

  • Consider road conditions, weather forecasts, school closings, emergency declarations, etc.;
  • Be made in consultation with the Facility/Program, if applicable; and
  • Be made as soon as possible and optimally at least two hours before the scheduled trip.

If the Transportation Provider determines that conditions are too dangerous for the safe transportation of Consumers, the Provider may cancel transportation even if the Facility, Program or MassHealth Provider will remain open. However the Transportation Provider must notify the Consumer, Program (if applicable), and MART of the cancellation. When notifying Consumers of the cancellation of transportation, the Transportation Provider must emphasize that the cancellation is only for the transportation, and that their Program or MassHealth Provider may still be open for service, and that the consumer should call MART to rebook the ride if necessary.

The Transportation Provider must maintain accurate and up-to-date employee and vehicle logs at all times. The up-to-date information is required to be emailed to MART on a continual basis whenever updated. Excel versions of the required formatted employee and vehicle log sheets are linked for your convenience:

Still have a question?

Send an email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible!